Worried about how long you will have to stop bike riding after a hip replacement? Want to be sure that your heart function not only recovers but improves after a valve replacement? Sidelined by a virulent case of pneumonia?
Then a short term rehabilitation and skilled care stay is just the ticket!
But we can control how we manage our outcome. That’s why at Juniper, our focus is getting you back on your feet.
Short term rehabilitation or skilled care is the best choice for easing the transition between hospital and home.
Most stays range from as little as a week to a month and are often the first choice for individuals who have been injured, suffered an acute medical event or had elective surgery.
At Juniper, we offer a highly targeted approach to recovery during a short period of medical monitoring or rehabilitation.
And when you complete your rehab, you’ll be ready to safely return home!
Just because short-term rehabilitation or skilled care is typically paid for by your Medicare or Medicare Advantage coverage doesn’t mean you have to settle: you can choose the Juniper difference.
Research results on our pioneering Connect4Life program, have shown that a stay at Juniper decreases likelihood of a hospital readmission by 50% compared to the overall Medicare population.
It’s hard to argue with results like that!
Your number one focus is getting you back in action. That’s our focus, too! So during the times when you’re not working on your recovery, you’ll have some pretty nice amenities to choose from:
Enjoy the innovative H’art and Soul of dining program with multiple venues and options for each meal. Get involved as much or as little as you like with lively connections activities.
And when you’re finally ready, we’ll assist with your transition back home.
Most of our communities offer varied financial solutions. Choose from monthly rental agreements, long-term contracts, and shared suites. Explore options for funding and calculate the financial benefit of senior living.